I was referring to brushless servo
motors. If I understand
the example program correctly this line determines the
current sent to the
#define AMPLITUDE 10
Set how hard to drive the coils pwm counts
The force would not always be in the
center, it could be on
one side or the other. The more I think about it seem like
a bad idea setting
one side to unlimited torque. A non-centered load could
have a huge force
difference depending on the distance from the unlimited
torque side.
I am still digesting your post and have
some questions.
“you might
create a User program do something like: Observe the
current torques. If the sum of both motors is below
the desired torque
increase the current Jog rate by an amount
proportional to the torque
error. (This would also slow down if the torque was
too high).”
Once the current reaches the desired
value, the jogging would
stop. Would this apply a constant static pressure? Sounds
very interesting –
but how does the slave axis work? Is it independently
following the axis
command signal, or is it matching the position of the
master axis? Seems like
to build torque you would need a positional error. If the
two motors get out of
sync we would start twisting the gantry. Does this make